Synchronize your Firefox bookmarks

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If you’re like me, then I bet your Firefox bookmarks are a jumbled mess on your home desktop computer, work desktop computer, work laptop, etc.

If you want to easily synchronize the Firefox bookmarks among all the computers you use, then download this wonderful Firefox extension, Foxmarks Bookmark Synchronizer, by Foxmarks, Inc.

The install and usage instructions are simple enough. Keep in mind, however, to backup all your Firefox bookmarks before you install the extension on all your computers.

Lastly, Foxmarks is currently only available for the Firefox Web Browser, which is the only web browser that I use. The other <nameless> web browser that I use occasionally, is just too bloated and is not as fast and efficient as Firefox.

No Responses to “Synchronize your Firefox bookmarks”

  1. golfer Says:

    Great find. I’ve been using Foxmarks for several months now and it has been working like a charm.

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