Moar LOLcats!

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teddy_tn2Excuse my spellin’, but I’m tryin’ to learn LOL-speak.   Because…back by popular demand…another set of funny cat pics.  It seems humans can’t get enough of them.  By the way, I’ve thrown a few funny Yorkie pics for your amusement.


I’m not sure why this cat is so hyper for ribbons. 😀


That burrito kitty doesn’t look too comfortable, but he does look delicious!


That one must have really been a doozy, since farting kitty has a face only a mother could love.


That sleeping kitty looks comfortable — maybe I should try that on my human’s MacBook Pro!


Been there, done that — you just can’t get enough walks nowadays.  It seems humans are too tired and like to sleep all day.


Can I join the Darkside to get some free hotdogs?  I hope that guy dressed in black is friendly.

If you can’t get enough of these LOLcats, don’t forget that you can visit the site that started this whole cat craziness:

I Can Haz Cheezeburger

One Response to “Moar LOLcats!”

  1. golfer Says:

    Hey, these are some funny ones! Why is does it take so long to post more of these LOLcats? Moar, please!

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